Got your first hangboard and now you are lost with all the training ideas? Don’t worry - we’re here to guide you. With three different training plan options, you’re bound to find the exercises that work for you!
Best if: You have a hard time staying on the holds
Equipment needed: Hangboard, timer, elastic band (optional)
Time: 10 minutes To start, you should always do a quick warmup to avoid injury. To do some warmup hangs, pick a large hold - ideally a jug! Aim to have your shoulders engaged, and use all the muscles in your body to hold the position. Hang for 15 seconds, rest for 15. Repeat 6 times. Once you’re feeling warm, we start the workout:
Exercise A - Lockoff Pullups: Do a pull up or jump into the top of a pullup position. Hold a full lockoff for 5 seconds, then lower yourself to a 90* lockoff. Hold for another 5 seconds,and repeat this pullup 5 times total.
Exercise B - Crimp hangs: Pick a ledge that you are able to hold for a long time. Hang off this ledge for 5 seconds, then rest for 5. Repeat 5 times total.
Exercise C - Pullups: On a jug or large ledge, do 6 pullups in a row. Pro tip - if it’s too tricky, use an elastic under your feet to help pull yourself up.
Complete exercises A, B, and C back to back with 30 - 60 seconds of rest. Once you’ve done that, repeat all the exercises again for a total of 3 sets!

Best if: You want to work your full body strength!
Equipment needed: Hangboard, timer, box or chair, elastic (optional)
Time: 15 minutes To start, you should always do a quick warmup to avoid injury. To do some warmup hangs, pick a large hold - ideally a jug! Aim to have your shoulders engaged, and use all the muscles in your body to hold the position. Hang for 15 seconds, rest for 15. Repeat 6 times. Once you’re feeling warm, we start the workout:
Exercise A - Crimp hangs: Pick a ledge that you are able to hold for a long time. Hang off this ledge for 5 seconds, then rest for 5. Repeat 5 times total.
Exercise B - Leg Raises: Pick a large ledge, or a jug. Keeping your core engaged and your body in control, lift your legs as high as you can. Hold this position for 3 seconds, then lower back down. Go nice and slow so you don’t swing! Repeat this 6 times.
Exercise C - French Traverse: Stand on a box or a chair that is slightly in front of you. Grab the hangboard and put as much weight into your hands as possible, keeping your feet on the box/ chair. “Traverse” on the hangboard, grabbing all the holds! Do these movements with no rest for 90 seconds.
Exercise D - Pullups: On a jug or large ledge, do 6 pullups in a row. Pro tip - if it’s too tricky, use an elastic under your feet to help pull yourself up.
Complete exercises A, B, and C back to back with 30 - 60 seconds of rest. Once you’ve done that, repeat all the exercises again for a total of 3 sets!